Page name: bubble wrap lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-15 18:20:01
Last author: ZOMBIE x ZOMBIE
Owner: elf_iceprincess
# of watchers: 14
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this is for everyone who loves bubble wrap and thinks its better than therapy * you must love bubble wrap to join*


to add baner just take ** out

MEMBERS to join go to bwl members

1.[Forbidden Truths]
6.[I do believe in faeries I do I do]
7. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for christmas as a presant! It was the actual presant not the wraping of one!
8.[^_^ bubi et ^_^] i love bubble wrap
9.[Clarabell12] I love bubble wrap SO much...... i
10.[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]iluv bubblewrap!!its soooo addiciting!sepcially if ur bored!!lol



11. [Fortune Orange]


13. [Ktcm] *pop* ... *pop pop* ^-^; yey
14. [elwen] its great to annoy people with!!!
15. [Popqorn] I got bubble wrap for Christmas once! really! it wasnt just the packaging! I got a 6ft long thing of bubble wrap! only because i asked for it though! I was so happy! It entertained me for like 3 hours!
16. [penguin jones] i'm an addict for bubble wrap
17. [Ham] Wrapping stuff in it is such a waste....*plays with it in corner*
18. [The Taste of Ink !] Yay for bubble wrap!! :D
19.[Lucy-Lou] whoooh! jump on it!


21.[psychekiller] yay bubble wrap

22. [Broken_Musician] I LOVE BUBBLE WRAP

23. [My Own Creation] It was my favorite toy as a child...I still ♥ it!!
24. [I_lüv_bubbles] Bubble wrap rules my world

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[Teufelsweib]: no they don't

[evil beavle]: Anni does

[Teufelsweib]: yes, anni, but does anni present all the finnish?

[evil beavle]: no ms. Luger. she doesn't. but but but.... but ... WHÈÈÈÈÈÈH WHÈÈÈÈÈÈÈH

[Teufelsweib]: shut up then 0_o

[evil beavle]: yes ms. Luger

[Teufelsweib]: ok ms Mestman

[evil beavle]: My name is NOT ms. mesT man it is ms. MESMAN, bitch\

[Teufelsweib]: fartman

[evil beavle]: ye sure

[Teufelsweib]: at last, she's gone

[Teufelsweib]: yeps, lets go piss her off

[Aliz]: hey

[Teufelsweib]: hey, become member, now!

[Aliz]: no

[Teufelsweib]: please, it's to piss her off, you like pissing of people aliz

[Aliz]: yeah....but I still wont...

[Teufelsweib]: why not?

[evil beavle]: because I am totally not pissed of haha

[Aliz]: because I just don't want to

[evil beavle]: look at [evil beavle]'s house!! wieieie much photos

[Aliz]: lazy

[evil beavle]: you only have to click on: [evil beavle]

[Aliz]: I don't much clicking

[evil beavle]: only once!!

[Teufelsweib]: aliz is really the most laziest person I ever met

[evil beavle]: yes... thatis totally true

[Teufelsweib]: ...ah well

[Aliz]: all hail the lazyness :D

[Aliz]: YES! *killer look*

[Teufelsweib]: indeed

[Aliz]: X_x

[Teufelsweib]: jeps

[Aliz]: *brr*

[Teufelsweib]: what?

[Aliz]: it's freeeeeeezing

[Teufelsweib]: heh heh, the SUN IS SHINING here!

[Aliz]: fuck the sun...light is BAD

[Teufelsweib]: duh, it makes you melt!

[Iuna]: if you are sugar

[Aliz]: it makes me red :(

[Teufelsweib]: yeah, me to

[evil beavle]: it makes slavork from purple to red hehe

[Teufelsweib]: yay

[evil beavle]: koel

[Teufelsweib]: yep

[Iuna]: yay

[Teufelsweib]: yay...

[Iuna]: aya

[Teufelsweib]: fire department

[Iuna]: yay

[Aliz]: once, me and 2 friends got so sunburned that we couldn't sit for a week :(

[Teufelsweib]: ah, I got that once to. my legs were so fucked and we got lost in the city so I had to struble/crawl my way back home

[Aliz]: we were on holiday, and we had to ride on donkeys the next day...*ouch*

[Teufelsweib]: donkeys?? what's that for a shitty way of transportation

[Aliz]: hehe...I dunno...

[Teufelsweib]: donkeys... at least use something like a horse

[Aliz]: we didn't.....*arg* and it wasn't even for was for FUN...

[Teufelsweib]: is riding on a donkey fun?

[evil beavle]: not... I did it once... but happely only for 2 hours

[Teufelsweib]: you to?? donkeys suck man

[evil beavle]: I know... my sis had a horse and I had a donkey..............................

[Teufelsweib]: soort zoekt soort

[evil beavle]: yay....... I was to young for the horse you stupid slavork.... haha domme slavork... sounds good

[Teufelsweib]: a donkey... fuck man... a donkey!

[Aliz]: enough about the donkeys...ok? I don't wanna be remembered about me considering killing 3 ppl *err*

[evil beavle]: haha

[Aliz]: don't laugh.....those who owned the donkeys kept poking them with a stick, so they wouldn't stop...and I fucking hate ppl who does mean things to I was close to rip of their heads and play football with them *err*

[evil beavle]: to bad you didn't

[Aliz]: yeah..... but it's not THAT fun to go to jail, when you're supposed to be on holiday...hehe

[Teufelsweib]: they were just poking them

[Aliz]: with STICKS....and it looked like it was hurting....

[Teufelsweib]: do donkeys have expressions then?

[Aliz]: yeah....of course....

[Teufelsweib]: cool...

[Aliz]: hehe...every animal has expressions

[Teufelsweib]: not visible

[Aliz]: no they are not....I see them

[Teufelsweib]: they haven't got the right muscles to make them

[Aliz]: they have SO

[Teufelsweib]: they don't

[Aliz]: THEY HAVE!!!!! *holds hands over ears*

[Teufelsweib]: get out of your illusion

[Aliz]: NO!!!!

[Teufelsweib]: yes!!

[Beru-chan]: JAWOHL~!!! XD  ...sorry...couldn't resist ^^;;

[Teufelsweib]: DON'T SPEAK GERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Aliz]: and why not? do you hate german or somehting?

[Teufelsweib]: yeps

[Beru-chan]: hate German.. waht language do you like then?

[Teufelsweib]: papiamento!

[Iuna]: eh?

[Aliz]: I like uh.......tothohisos :D

[Iuna]: what language is that? I never heard of it..

[Aliz]: I dunno the english word for it....bobutot you totalolkok lolikoke tothohisos (you talk like this)

[Iuna]: oow weird..

[Aliz]: nono itot'sos nonotot


[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: ....that means "hi" in Christina language

[Teufelsweib]: hi to thne

[Aliz]: wowhohatotevoveror

[Teufelsweib]: what??

[Aliz]: tothohisos isos soso fofunon

[Iuna]: ngf;shgd;

[Aliz]: dodo you rorealolloly nonotot unondoderorsostotanondod tothohisos?

[Iuna]: watashi nakare nou... :p

[Iuna]: I understand it!!! ^_^ you make the words longer ^^


[Teufelsweib]: calm down....

[Beru-chan]: calomos downos!

[Aliz]: no.....I can start simple, with "Hello": hohelololo

[Teufelsweib]: what??

[Aliz]: hello= hohelollolo

[Teufelsweib]: a ha

[Aliz]: it is simple :D

[Iuna]: hohelollo ^^

[Aliz]: not really.... hoh e lol lol o

[Iuna]: hoh e lol lol o

[Aliz]: yeah.... hohelollolo

[Iuna]: lol


[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: that means "hi"

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: in Christina language

[~Little_Walnut~]: I LOVE BUBBLE WRAP!!!

[Teufelsweib]: I don't really get the conversation anymore 0_o

[Aliz]: I do...

[Teufelsweib]: cool

[Aliz]: smart :P hehe

[Iuna]: woow I can't get it either..... O.o

[Aliz]: hehe

[Teufelsweib]: something about languages....

[Aliz]: ohoh I roremomemomboberor

[Teufelsweib]: ugh, why did I start again 0_o

[Aliz]: mUahaHahHaahHahA

[Teufelsweib]: knew it...

[Aliz]: what?

[Teufelsweib]: you would start again

[Aliz]: hehe


[Teufelsweib]: why are you doing that the whole time?

[Aliz]: stupidness??

[Teufelsweib]: I think so

[Aliz]: then you're probably right ^_^ hehe

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: no b/c im saying hi.....DUH

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: ddint u read bout that erlier??

[Teufelsweib]: what did you say?

[Aliz]: she said hello...but why write all those letters when you can just say "hi" *err* that's stupidness

[Iuna]: ...

[Aliz]: ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: but what means that no b/c im saying hi.....???

[Aliz]: don't bother,...hehe

[Teufelsweib]: I won't

[Aliz]: hehe...good

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: she said stupidness and i said "no b/c im sayin hi" in my own langauage i mean u can say hi different ways u can say it hola hey hello or watever but im sayin...SNMABDJKVBSDKLgSHGLSKAHGL

[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]: git over it,ur just to sencesless to git it

[Teufelsweib]: fuck man....

[Aliz]: well....I'd rather say "hi"....because I'm to lazy to write more letters :P

[Teufelsweib]: me to, or just say no hi

[Iuna]: ..hi..

[Teufelsweib]: hi to you to

[Aliz]: just uhm...YO

[Teufelsweib]: yo ma niggah! :P

[Iuna]: haha ^_^ yoyoyoyoyoy

[Aliz]: hehehe ^_^ wazzup? :P

[Teufelsweib]: yo man!

[Aliz]: hehe :P

[Teufelsweib]: I really feel like an idiot now...

[Aliz]: hehe :P I'm the one who Yo'd first :P

[Teufelsweib]: and I second, we are all idiots anyway, not as if that's something new...

[Aliz]: I know :P but at least we're COOL idiots :P hehe ;)

[Teufelsweib]: ok, if you say so

[Aliz]: hehe....

[Iuna]: yo man

[Teufelsweib]: yoooo

[Iuna]: yay

[Teufelsweib]: jaj

[Iuna]: waw

[Teufelsweib]: hah

[Aliz]: X_x

[Teufelsweib]: that's what I'm thinking

[Aliz]: hehe

[Teufelsweib]: hihi

[Aliz]: I'm not thinking :P hehe...too lazy *err*

[Teufelsweib]: thinking is indeed very hard

[Aliz]: yep....

[Iuna]: o<  >o  <----- two little fish!!!!!!!! ^_^

[Teufelsweib]: cool

[Iuna]: jup! :D

[Teufelsweib]: yay

[evil beavle]: oo<  <-- weieiie, no that isn't a fish, or 2

[Iuna]: stupid!!!

[Teufelsweib]: INDEED!!


[Teufelsweib]: cool

[Iuna]: haha 

[Iuna]: I just went crazy..

[Teufelsweib]: doesn't mind

[Iuna]: oki

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